門禁系統、指紋掃瞄器、考勤系統,歡迎查詢 指模、smart card、指紋機、考勤系統,CCTV、門禁、閉路電視 、AI 及 IOT 方案
About Us
Company Profile

SynerGOs was established in Hong Kong in 2016 dedicating in the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of high quality Biometric Device, Access Control and Time & Attendance System, Turnstile and solutions for diverse industries applications.

Mission Statement

SynerGOs is a leading professional products and solution provider of the high quality and cost effective Biometric, Access Control, Time & Attendance System, Turnstile and Construction Security Management. We serve for different customers. Our mission is to enhance customers' environment security and maximize organization efficiency & performance. We are dedicated to our clients and pledge to do whatever it takes to ensure 100% satisfaction. Our client relationships don’t end with the completion of a project. We view it as the beginning of a new alliance. This methodology ensures that you get the industry’s best practices in solving your complex business problems as and when they arise.

Quality Policy

To commit for providing perfect and competitive product and service and to satisfy every aspect of customer's needs.

門禁系統、指紋掃瞄器、考勤系統,歡迎查詢 指模、smart card、指紋機、考勤系統,CCTV、門禁、閉路電視 、AI 及 IOT 方案

SynerGOs Systems Company Limited

Address: Flat G, 19/F, Superluck Industrial Centre Phase 2, 57 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, NT, HK

荃灣沙咀道 57號荃運工業中心二期 19樓 G室

Tel: (+852) 3460 4125

Fax: (+852) 3618 9956


網址: www.yl.hk/ea



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